Legacy Notifications

Totara 16, has introduced further centralised notifications, including notifications for ‘Seminars’. 

It is recommended that you do not disable the notifications at system level, however, review the notifications at a lower context such as the activity level.  

If you have not previously been using ‘Custom Notifications’ within Totara, then you can start by having a look at the ‘Centralised System Notifications’.   

If you have previously been using ‘Custom Notifications’ you will need to have ‘Legacy Notifications’ enabled, until you start using the new notification system.  

You can either move all Legacy Notifications or transition to the new notifications over a period of time. This enables you to review what works best for your organisation. 

When transitioning to the new notification system, there are a few settings to be aware of:  

Navigation path  




Quick-access menu > Seminars > Global settings  

Enable legacy  

- No (for new sites)  
- Yes (for upgraded sites)  

This setting determines whether the legacy seminar notification system will function on your site.  

Quick-access menu > Seminars > Activity default  

Use legacy notifications  

- No (for new sites)  
- Yes (for upgraded sites)  

This setting allows you to decide if you wish to enable legacy notifications to be used in new seminar activities. If this setting is enabled then you can configure it within an individual seminar activity.  

Quick-access menu > Seminars > Global settings  

Disable legacy notifications  

- No  

When seminars are set to use legacy notifications, this setting will enable and disable legacy notifications and ad hoc messages. When seminars are set to modern notifications, this setting will enable and disable ad hoc messages only.