How are experience points calculated?

Learners earn points through interacting with course content

The plugin observes the actions performed by learners and attribute them points. By default, Level up! comes with a few pre-defined rules to determine how many points a learner should earn.

In the platform, such actions are referred to as Events. Events contain information about the action that was just performed: where it happened, what it was, who did it, etc... It also contains the educational level of the action, either participatingteaching or other.

As a starting point, Level up! attributes points to learners for the actions of educational level participating, when they createedit or read course contents. For example, they would receive 45 points when creating a new forum discussion and receive 9 points when reading course resources.

These default rules are simple but trainers can do a lot more. They can create much more granular rules, such as giving more or less points for a specific activity. Or giving more value to submitting one assignment over the other, etc...

Actions that are ignored

Only the users with the capability block/xp:earnxp can earn points. By default, this capability is given to learners. Also, actions triggered by guests, non-logged in users or administrators are ignored.

The following events are always ignored:

  • Events from another context than course or module
  • Events having another educational level than participating
  • Events flagged as anonymous, e.g. in an anonymous Feedback

The default rules of Level up! ignore some events that are redundant and would cause points to be awarded twice for the same action.

Repeated actions within a short time interval are also ignored to prevent cheating when the cheat guard is enabled.