How do I add my course to PayForCourses?

The key steps to get courses ready to sell.

Create courses in Moodle

Create your courses in Moodle site as normal.

Sync your courses to PayForCourses

Course names and Course description text are synchronised.


Your courses are listed under Products.

product listing1

Add an image you your course listing in PayForCourses.

By default products do not have images.

products no image
  • Dashboard
  • Products
  • Hover over the product you want to edit. Click Edit.
  • Product image on right side, click Set product image.

  • Upload and image and select it, click Set product image button.

Add a price

Whilst editing your product, in Product data, General, add a price.


Make your product visible in the shop

By default course products are visible in the catalogue to logged in Managers, the product name is added before the product name.


Whilst editing your product, find Publish on the right site.

Change Visibility from Private to Public (click OK). A product mist be public to be visible to potential customers in the catalogue.

Click Catalog visibility ans Choose the appropriate setting.


Hidden - Hides the product in the catalogue from managers.

You can make a course "Feature" here too.